“Lighting up the Hidden Corners of Our Inner House” Thursdays February Zoom Course (4 Live Classes Plus 7 Days Recording Streaming)
Four 90-minute classes. Live or anytime via recording (viewable an unlimited number of times for 1 week from each class).
Thursdays, February 4, 11, 18, 25 (Greece 7pm, Europe 6pm, UK 5pm, USA EST 12pm, USA PST 9am, Time in Your Location)
Inside the big moves/stretches and asana are the little places that get overlooked when we focus on the outer form or try too hard to achieve. We may look good but inside there are often tiny holding places that prevent the full freedom and clarity of how our body is reflecting what we avoid in our life. Meeting them is challenging, needs patience but lets in the light!
Internally a journey deepens to uncover distortion and pain expressed in the body and shielding emotional reservoirs, freedom and life. When will the river flow? What will it wash away?
Would you care to join me as we go slowly and carefully . . . trusting our intuition, our ancient wisdom?
Too long we have danced over the surface missing the truth that is so simple, beautiful and shines like sunlight on water.
It is not new or even another promise.
It is unpredictable but like a flower . . . opens long before words or knowledge
and is watered in tears.
I believe that each step we take on this internal path has a profound and far reaching effect on our lives, our surroundings . . . on the world.
In February we meet again, or perhaps for the first time, and I look forward to this opportunity to share with you all. I have no specific plan or story to follow this time as it will be your own story! I shall offer ways that have helped me to meet myself in asana, movement, breath and meditation and you will see what speaks or aids you in your own process. At any time during a class you are free to follow, stay longer with a movement or pose, leave it, adapt, try it differently or . . . simply rest and feel what is happening inside.
If you have any question or request, please do let me know beforehand or even during the course. (AngelaVictorYogaShop@gmail.com)
Love and freedom,