5-day Video Course with Victor and Angela 2nd Day (1 Video Download)
The 2nd video in a series of five two-hour videos of Victor and Angela teaching in their gorgeous yoga hall in Eftalou, Greece.
Unable to travel or have students travel to them, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Victor and Angela organized a five-day yoga course with 8 local students for the purpose of creating these videos. Local photographer Eleanora Pouwels extended her skills for the first time into video, and using the limited equipment available in Eftalou, together they created a simple but beautiful five-day video course. For those who have had the fortune to visit their hall in Greece, for those who have wished to, and for all of us unable to visit currently, the videos are a wonderful opportunity to experience their teaching virtually in a form similar to their phenomenal live courses. One can even hear the birds chirping and the breeze blowing through Ganesha’s olive grove and feel for a moment that we are there.