Alive and Present in This Body (May Zoom Series)


Series of four or eight 90-minute classes. Join live or via recordings.

Thursdays May 5-26 and/or Sundays May 8-29

USA 9am PDT/12pm EDT, UK 5pm, Central Europe 6pm, Eastern Europe 7pm,  Your Location

An exploration of breath and movement to bring about inner spaciousness, energy and a joyful presence . If we live vibrantly in our bodies, everyday experiences offer deeper meaning,  we see situations more  clearly and delight in simply being alive!

Designed so that students can participate in either series or deepen their explorations with both (with a 35% discount for the 2nd series).The theme is constant but each session will be different!

Choose which series/day and recording option from the menu, then “Add to Cart”.

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