A Place to Return To: A Five Day Course With Angela Farmer (Audio Only Download)


Everything that happens in our life is written in our bodies. The journey of slowly unwinding brings us back to our true selves. -Angela Farmer

It was my dream to give students an experience similar to what we get in Greece. I’m happy that the dream and all the energy has created something so special and empowering. – Patricia Schneider

Perfect for a five day home retreat, or paced slowly and repeated over a longer period, this audio course includes 10 complete classes, a final talk, and a question and answer session —  14 hours 44 minutes of instruction. With longer more active morning sessions and quieter restorative evenings, the course allows for a true retreat/workshop experience and can also be repeated as stand alone sessions to go more deeply into the practices. An incredible opportunity to experience a full course with Angela at home, and listen again and again to go even deeper. 

Angela expertly guides students through a practice of discovery and excavation. Step by step offering an embodied experience of what we need to experience to come back into ourselves: how to root, feel the energy moving through us, be in our back body, feel our cobra, and find our true power and capacity to live and be present in every part of ourselves; spacious, open, and grounded.    

Through movement, meditation, asana, visualization, stories, free exploration, and deep rest, Angela shares her insight from 60 years of practice and a lifetime of wisdom to release tension and create space; meet and recover disconnected, traumatized, painful, lost parts, returning more whole and present; trust our deep inner knowing; find our power and voice; get to know our inner body and world; return back to ourselves as much as we move forwards in the world; open to the breath as beloved; dare to let go and become who we truly are; unfold and reveal our true selves; find our own yoga; root, listen, empower, expand, and return to live more fully in our bodies and life.  

The audio has been edited so that it is easy to follow along, without needing to see anything. Downloads are available immediately upon purchase to listen to an unlimited number of times from any device. Includes wonderful original music by Obertinhaus.de

Props: For some of the sessions it’s useful to have balls to roll on. Two tennis balls tied tightly in a sock and an approximately 7inch squishy inflated ball (sensory, gertie, or mini exercise; not fully inflated) are ideal, but a rolled towel or cloth can also work. Also, a yoga strap, soft belt, scarf, or any cloth to roll into a disc about the size of your palm.


In Angela’s words, some of the topics she delves deeply into:

~If we ignore our inner underworld, as is happening now in our human world, everything gets worse. People are waking up to what is happening in our human underworld and seeing the danger of ignoring the suffering and pain that too many people have because the upper world has become too powerful, too controlling. Every time we attend to our own inner underworld, we have the energy and insight for how we can put a little dew drop on a small part of the planet’s underworld, the human underworld, and that helps us to feel more whole, more powerful, more clear. But we can only do this when we have done it inside ourselves; allowed ourselves to meet something that feels like a pain but turns out its a holding over, an emotional fear, anxiety, memory that we are now ready to meet.

~It is only when I left following someone else’s teaching and started listening to and feeling into my body, into my issues, struggles, fears, and dysfunctions in life, that something really changed. The other was only superficial. It kept me busy and was a start, but nothing really changed until I met one place at a time, one issue at a time, and stayed with it, waiting, listening, and feeling, that I realized everything in my experience in life was to be found in this body. Then the transformation began. It is only you that can make that journey. 

~Yoga is about something very powerful, about owning your presence. We are all here to be here, not to apologize for being here. We have this purpose in life. Not something you do outside. Your purpose is to be fully present in everything you do with that sense of who you are.  .  .  . Yoga is not about going anywhere. Its simply about becoming who we are.        

~The soul needs to express itself, and so we have this body to live in. The body needs to be looked after so that our soul can joyfully express itself through the body. All the body asks for really is, “just please live in me, be with me, be kind to me”. . . .  If you live in it and meet it everyday, and you are kind to it and you give it time, it finds a way to function with everything else. The main thing is, are you living in your body? Where are you not living in your body? Our bodies hold the stories of our lives. You don’t have to be perfect. You have to live and be who you are. Dare to be who you are.

~Trust your deep inner knowing. It is divine. The divine is not out there. It is inside. When you trust that divine life, you have the power to stand like the trees rooted in the earth, full in our back bodies, powerful and yet able to receive.

~Our heart longs to rest inside. So, it needs space behind it. It needs a nest into which it can withdraw. Sometimes we have to tell our heart, “No, you don’t have to open”. What our heart is longing for is to nestle back inside and feel how much we love it. Such a beautiful creature. It is being pushed out all the time and asked to perform. That’s not what the heart is for. The heart needs to feel safe and loved, and then it begins to glow and that glow will move out and be felt by everyone who meets you. 

~We have been diminished to our true selves, and now we are no longer diminishing. We are recovering, re-finding, expanding, and becoming more truly present, in and as we are. . . . We are not small. We have infinite possibility, infinite experience of expanding. When you stop contracting, something happens. You don’t need the tightness. Who am I? No form. The more you dare to let go of, the more you realize you are simply part of the space around you. Some bits and pieces decided to come together and hold onto each other and made you a body, and that’s great. But every now and again, just remember you came from the elements. So, a part of you really is the sky, the wind, the rolling ocean, the flowing rivers, a part of you is the sun. . . .  Out of pure love they decided to come together and make this body.

~All thoughts create tensions somewhere, at some subtle level. The thoughts, struggles, expectations, fears all compress us into a lack of space. So, where do we go? We go outside and try to fix our world from the outside, which rarely works. When you attend to one part of yourself, and go deeper and deeper, allowing yourself to slowly unwind and let go, you enter truly into the beautiful place of being at one with yourself. If we can find our way back to being at one with ourselves, we are at one with everybody. We are all connected at that level of deep, deep unwinding, releasing, unfolding.



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