The Power of Words
An exploration into how certain words may speak to your body better than a technical/anatomical instruction and can then help with issues we are confronted with in life.
Focus: Hips and shoulders as we explore the power and effect of a word or words spoken directly to an area in the body. The more we can be internally present and receptive, the more easily we can feel a place in our body responding, so we listen with openness and feeling rather than performing to a command
The Power of Vision
Physically and emotionally we may respond in a primal and more profound way through images than through the intellect. Our body memory wakes up and can use an IMAGE to re-find its natural healing process and release old trauma.
Focus: Mainly on the spine (includes the neck).
Perineum and Pelvis
The body thrives on reconnecting with the Earth as our foundation and stability. Our ‘Inner Earth’, the pelvic floor, offers us security to own … ‘’being who we are’’ … at any time and in changing situations.
Focus: Exploring the inner life and power of our pelvic ‘cave’ and how we can respond to life from the pelvis with its roots deep in the earth.
Breath, Tail, and Nose
A joyful exploration from tail to nose and a maze of internal channels that allow both energy and the breath to dance creatively through and around us!
Focus: Awakening primal energy to connect body, mind, emotions and spirit through Breath in movement and meditation.
Focus and Receiving
Understanding when and how we can balance these two aspects of our breath, action, and thought to find more peace and harmony in our practice and thus our whole life.
Focus: Breath, movement, asana observing the play of Focus and Receiving.
Two sides
Meeting our right and left side. An exploration of our relationship with them and how they play out in our daily lives. Most of us favor one side, have been more injured on one side, think and see life more through one side. Like two friends they are and always will be different, but opening communication with and between them makes for a happier ‘inner family life’!
Focus: Listening to what our right and left sides tell us and following that information into our practice; inviting communication, harmony, and empowerment.
Separation and Connection
We start life as one and then divide into two and ultimately many. Trauma, stress, and fear tend to pull everything back into one and we get ‘messed up’ in many ways! Plants start as a seed and then find the downward and upward direction. From there they spread out into many but always maintaining a ‘oneness’ true to their natural form and growth. How can Separation be the source and essential help in giving us back our life and freedom to be who we truly are??
Focus: Kidneys and twists, breath, space, and direction.
Resistance as a Doorway
We could not live without it, yet how we meet it and experience it is a way to opening or closing the door to freedom and new beginnings. We shall explore how we can use and enhance our relationship to physical resistance in our practice with the possibility of realizing deeper levels of mental and emotional releasing due to forces of resistance.
Focus: Meeting resistance with different parts of the body to discover more space and freedom in hidden places. Connecting our physical responses to where in life this could be of help.